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蘋果iOS10 Beta2開發者預覽版固件更新內容大全


本站訊 7月6日消息,蘋果今天推送了iOS10 beta2固件更新,本次更新內容修復眾多在beta1版本中發現的bug之外,還新增了不少新功能,以下為蘋果iOS10 beta2的更新日志。


• 用戶現在可以在任何情況下使用通知中心的小插件(widget),此前在beta1中,小插件的使用有諸多限制。

• 在beta2中,“未讀”被改為“最近”

• 在不支持3D Touch的iPhone上,iOS10的通知可以通過下滑來進行操作

蘋果音樂Apple Music

• 用戶可以隨機播放一個表演者的所有音樂

• 在歌曲界面新增一個隨機播放按鈕,這樣就不用先播放歌曲再進入隨意播放模式了

• 當用戶使蘋果音樂不可用時,連接標簽將不會消失

• 用戶關注的藝術家海報將出現在“為你推薦”界面中

• 用戶現在可以在Sonos上登錄蘋果音樂,MV播放可以全屏,相似音樂推薦現在出現在專輯頁面,AirPlay設備現在會出現在正在播放屏幕

• 資料庫中,音樂列表中已經下載的音樂會有一個圖標提示,“已下載音樂”改名為“下載”

• 用戶現在可以修改蘋果音樂應用內顯示的字體大小

• 刪除用戶在一張Connect海報上的評論


• 在設置-信息中新增了“低畫質模式”的選項

• 沒有3D Touch功能的iPhone的快捷回復界面與iPhone6s如今一致

• Digital Touch信息可以發送給非iOS10用戶,但是不會有動畫


• 內建器官捐獻相關選項,方便美國區用戶進行相關注冊


• 在iOS10 beta2中,通過進入設置-通用-輔助功能-主屏幕按鈕中選擇“松開手指”就可以不按Home鍵實現解鎖屏幕



增加諸多實用的3D Touch快捷方式

• iPad Pro使用App Store時可以分屏浏覽

• Siri獲得激活時的新動畫

• 地圖應用增加展示停車點選項

• 改動了許多過渡動畫


Notification Center enhancements

You can now access widgets while using the Notification Center on any Home screen.

In beta 1, accessing the Notification Center from a Home screen only showed notifications, not the widgets. It’s a small but important improvement, more so given that the first beta limited accessing the widgets from your Lock screen, Home screen zero and inside the Notification Center, but only if called while using an app.

In short, widgets are now available in the Notification Center without exceptions.

As you can see for yourself, “Missed” inside iOS 10 beta 2′ Notification Center is now labeled “Recent” and The Weather Channel gets a much-deserved credit. On devices without 3D Touch, iOS 10’s rich notifications can now be interacted with by way of swiping down on them.

In iOS 10 beta 1, you had to slide over a notification banner to access its options.

Music app changes

You can once again shuffle all music by one artist in the Music app.

Plus, there’s now a Shuffle button within the Songs section so that you can enter shuffle mode without needing to play a song first. Connect tab no longer disappears from the Music app when you disable Apple Music and posts from artists you follow now appear underneath a new Connect Posts heading within the Music app’s For You section.

In iOS 10 beta 2, users can now sign in to Apple Music on Sonos, music videos can be played fullscreen and related music suggestions now appear in album pages. AirPlay devices show up on the Now Playing screen as well.

In Library, you can now view and manage a list of all active downloads.

There's a new Downloaded icon for playlists that have been downloaded to the Music app. Speaking of downloads, the Downloaded Music section has been renamed as Downloads and can no longer be removed. And lastly, the Music app now uses a smaller font and lets you adjust text size.

More Apple Music features coming via future betas

According to Apple, certain Apple Music features will become available in a future iOS 10 beta, including the following items:

For You Mixes

Viewing Connect posts on an artist’s or curator’s page

Follow and unfollow option on an artist or curator’s page

Report a concern on Connect posts or comments

Delete a comment you made on Connect posts

Account page to view all artists you follow

Setting to turn on or turn off the Automatically Follow Artists preference

Show Complete Album for Library items

Display of works and movements for classical music

Popularity indicators for albums

Messages improvements

Three days ago, Apple launched downloadable sticker packs for iOS 10’s much-improved Messages app. In iOS 10 beta 2, a dedicated iMessage Apps section has gone live within the App Store. The App Store tab inside Messages now shows a splash screen and lets you browse and download Featured content.

You'll also notice a new Manage section within the App Store for Messages and a switch labeled Automatically Add Apps inside of it. Toggling it to the ON prompts iOS to automatically put any apps on your device that include an iMessage extension in your app drawer in Messages.

iOS 10 beta 2 adds a new Low Quality Image Mode option in Settings → Messages.

If enabled, all images will be sent in lower quality to help save cellular data. Quick Reply for Messages notifications on non-3D Touch devices now presents you with the same embedded conversation view like on the iPhone 6s. And finally, your Digital Touch messages will now send to non-iOS 10 users in beta 2, but they won't animate.

iOS 10 Messages Low Quality Image Mode switch silver iPhone screenshot 001

Becoming organ donor via Health

A single organ donor can save as many as eight lives so Apple has built a new option into the Health application on iOS 10 beta 2 which permits U.S.-based customers to register themselves as an organ, eye and tissue donor with Donate Life America’s national organ donation registry.

iOS 10 Health Organ Donor teaser silver iPhone screenshot 001

Rest Finger to Unlock

iOS 10 beta 1 has dropped the familiar slide-to-unlock gesture in favor of a new way of unlocking the device that requires you to press the Home button with an enrolled finger to get to the Home screen, or rest the finger on the Home button to unlock the device without launching the Home screen.

In iOS 10 beta 2, there’s a new Rest Finger to Unlock option in Settings → General → Accessibility → Home Button which allows you to switch back to the old way of unlocking that didn’t require a press of the Home button.

And lastly, a padlock icon in the iOS status bar now animates with an “Unlocked” message when you unlock the device. Previously, the padlock icon simply disappeared.


In addition to the aforementioned refinements, iOS 10 beta 2 includes the following tweaks, design changes and other improvements:

Refreshed HomeKit icon inside Control Center

Overhauled icons for the Apple TV and speakers in the AirPlay menu within Control Center

3D Touch shortcuts within Control Center for adjusting flashlight intensity now employ updated icons and wording: Low/Medium/High Intensity becomes Low/Medium/Bright Light

3D Touch shortcuts menu for the Clock app inside Control Center adds icons

Split View is available for the App Store on the iPad Pro

Apple's built-in Feedback app is available to more users

HomeKit app and HomeKit icons in Settings now sport the same general look

Revamped Filters icon in the Mail toolbar resembling lines inside a circle replaces the previous funnel-style icon

Invoking Siri shows a subtle new animation which minimizes the Home screen or the active app

Maps now includes a Show Parked Location toggle in Settings so that you can optionally disable being reminded where you parked your car

A new Ride Booking option underneath the Prefer heading in Settings → Maps

Pressing a folder icon with 3D Touch now shows per-app badge count versus an “Unread” total like before

You can now remove the stock News app

iOS 10 beta 2 reverts to the old keyboard sound versus a softer keyboard clicking sound effect which debuted in iOS 10 beta 1

Folder animation is slightly changed

Folders are more blurred and transparent

Tweaked Spotlight animation on the widgets screen and in the Notification Center

Stopwatch inside the Clock app is now back to digital by default while its analog counterpart has been relocated to page two

When disabled, Bedtime Alarm in Clock is darkened

Text Size setting is moved to Settings → Display and Brightness

Auto-Lock Size setting is moved to Settings → Display and Brightness

Widgets are no longer clipped on the widgets screen

Holding the New Tab icon in Safari produces an option to make a new tab

Toggles for Apple Watch apps via a brand new My Watch → General → Background App Refresh section inside the companion Watch app on iPhone

Smart and Random Autofill options for music you sync with Apple Watch in the companion Watch app on iPhone

“Off” in AirDrop menu in Control Center is renamed as “Receiving Off”

For example, Faces in the Photos app do not sync across your devices

More importantly, functionality which requires adoption from the App Store apps, such as iMessage apps, SiriKit and Maps extensions, will not be available until those apps are able to adopt and submit to the App Store.


蘋果推送iOS10 beta2開發者預覽版固件更新

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