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1. forget the home button(解放home鍵)

2. close all apps at once(一次關閉所有應用)

3. facetime over 3G(通過3G使用facetime)

4. share files over bluetooth(藍牙傳文件)

5. impove airprint compatibility(提升airprint兼容)

6. add cools effect(添加酷炫效果)

7. email address shortcut(快捷輸入email地址)

8. block unwanted calls(來電黑名單)

9. block unwanted ads(去除廣告)

10. track your iphone thief (追蹤iphone)

11. rename your apps(重命名應用)

12. put your apps anywhere(應用擺放到任何位置)

13. move multiple apps(一次移動多個應用)

14. add pictures to contacts (添加聯系人圖片)

15. take phones while using other apps(使用其他應用時拍照)

16. attach files to your emails(添加文件到email)

17. try a winterboard theme(用winterboard換主題)

18. or a familiar look  (接上一句,不會翻)

19. add the missing emojiiconns(添加沒有的表情文字)by Scofield0919

20. add a cool bootlogo (添加酷炫系統圖標)

21. pick from various lock fx (……)

22. enable long tweets(長推文)

23. multitask from notification center(通知中心多任務)

24. track your data usage(監控流量之類……)

25. insant search access(通知中心 帶搜索框)

26. change your keyboard color(換鍵盤背景色)

27. change your default fonts(換默認字體)

28. add custom sound themes(換默認聲音)

29. change slider name(把 滑動解鎖 幾個字改掉)

30. remove the lockscreen clock (鎖屏上的時鐘去掉)

31. or add seconds to it (或者是 換成其他的)

32. log your app usage (應用使用記錄)

33. use your music for alarms(添加鬧鐘鈴聲)

34. disable pinlock on trust lan(……)

35. view your calender(通知欄顯示日歷)

36. make qiuck notes (快速添加備忘錄)

37. change the camera shortcut(更改照相快捷鍵)

38.record your iphone screen(屏幕錄制之類)

39. add coverflow effects to dock(添加coverflow效果到dock)

40.rotate your iphone springboard(旋轉iphone的springboard)

41. disable the lockscreen(鎖屏無效)

42. try android unlock xt(像安卓那樣解鎖)

43. facial recognition(照鏡子之類)

44. enable panoramic camera(全景拍照)

45. multitasking support for everyone(多任務支持)

46. run iphone apps natively(自然運行iphone應用)

47. 4+ dock icons(添加4個以上的圖標到dock,就是底下一排不止四個啦)

48. hide unused apps(隱藏不使用的app)

49. make your icons bounce(使圖標跳躍……)

50. youtube HD over 3G(通過3G使用youtube HD  )

51. sync with multiple itunes libriries(……)

52. load music without itunes(不用itunes添加music)

53. launch siri a different way(用另外的方式啟動siri)

54. quick access to all apps(所有app快捷,也就是在通知欄可以使用所用app)

55. switch effects for NC(……)

56. preview 9 tabs in safari(safari 9個標簽預覽)

57. tab style multitasking(多任務標簽風格)

58. notification style multitasking(通知中心風格多任務)

59. try 30 different accents(30種不同口音……望文生義)

60. use siri hands free(不用手 操作siri)

61. dismiss her the same way(不用手 關閉siri)

62. translate with siri(用siri翻譯 )

63. let siri find lyrics(用siri找歌詞)

64. use siri to get NBA scores(siri 獲取NBA 比分)

65. add cool blurry NC background(應該是屏幕模糊效果)

66. or a mirror widget (或者是照鏡子)

67. even html widget(甚至是html部件)

68. add new siri commands(添加siri新命令)

69. hear your notification(聽 通知)

70. install sara if your donnot have siri(如果沒有siri  裝個sara吧)

71. combine search & address bars(浏覽器 搜索和地址欄合並)

72. add auto correction(自動改正)

73. try the swype style input(swype 輸入)

74. clear all alerts at once(一次清除多個鬧鐘)

75. set only 1 battery reminder(設置一個電池提醒)

76. copy your contents to a sim card(復制信息到sim卡)

77. try a   5x5 layout(應用圖標5行5列)

78. use your camera as wallpaper(用相機做壁紙,就像手機是透明的一樣)

79. change your carrier name(更改運營商名字)——————感謝 licorice123

80. add backdoor ssh access(ssh之類)

81. backup your shshs(ssh之類)

82. restore your JB apps(存儲越獄應用)

83. play nintendo games(玩任天堂的游戲)

84. customize almost anything(定制所用東西)

85. shortcut toggles on home screem(快捷換主屏幕)

86. xBox media center(XBOX 媒體中心)

87. add quick toggles(添加快速轉換)

88. download torrents(下種子)

89. download youtube vidieos(下youtube視頻)

90. browse your file system(浏覽文件系統)

91. get all notifications quickly(快速獲取所有通知)

92. boost your wifi signal(增強wifi信號)

93. 5 icons in the dock(……)

94. customize your dimming options(定制所有……不會……)

95. share files over imessage(用imessage分享文件)

96. bring your weather icons to file(……)

97. launch the camera from anywhere(隨時隨地使用相機)

98.landscape home screen for iphone (美化主屏幕)

99. hide your photo albums(隱藏相冊)

100.music banners in notification center(通知中心添加音樂)
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