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   前段時間一篇著名的圖片畸變畸變矯正應用 SKRWT 對 iPhone 歷代相機的對比評測文。讓我們更加直觀的了解 iPhone 4s 到 6s+ 拍攝效果的變化。普通人也能很容易的看出來到底誰更勝一籌。由於測試者認為上一次的評測環境不能足夠客觀地反應已有結論,決定重新補充評測一次。當然,這並不代表對上一次得出結論的完全否定,僅相當於對已有結論的完善。


  After posting "The Big iPhone Camera Comparison" I didn't felt like I gave the 6s and 6s+ the right playground to prove themselves. This time I've used a tripod and went to Rotterdam, NL with all devices for a more realistic shooting surrounding.

  在上一篇文章發布之後,我的內心是糾結的。因為我感覺拍攝時並沒有找到能足夠客觀反映出 6s 和 6s+ 相機實力的環境。於是,我帶上了所有的 iPhone 及三腳架,跑到了荷蘭的鹿特丹來測試,就是為了找一個更加客觀合理的拍攝場景。

  注:這篇文章中你看到的所有照片均由 iPhone 拍攝,文末提供了所有原片(ZIP 壓縮包)用於下載。


  1,High contrast - 100% and unedited - shot using a tripod

  This shot has been a tricky one. The bright white bridge and a partly cloudy sky were a good challenge to show the phones' dynamic range capabilities. The 4s image came out pretty grainy, the 5s did a decent job and starting with the 6 the images started looking better. 6+ a bit sharper than the 6 - the 6s and 6s+ winning this comparison due to the megapixel advantage and as already mentioned in the previous comparison: the new iPhones' pictures are warmer right out of the box.


  iPhone 6s 拍攝|後期應用: SKRWT, SNAPSEED, VSCO

  第一組:高對比度 - 放大到 100% 顯示,使用三腳架拍攝但未進行後期編輯

  這個場景其實不怎麼好拍。斜拉橋是白色的,而其身後又有一大片白色的雲層,所以對手機相機的動態范圍表現是極大的考驗。4s 拍出來的照片看起來噪點比較明顯,5s 的表現還行。從 6 系列開始就明顯好了很多,6+ 拍出來的效果比 6 要銳利一些。至於 6s 和 6s+,由於像素方面的提升,順理成章的獲得了這一輪對比測試的冠軍。看完這一組照片,也印證了之前的結論,那就是 6s 和 6s+ 拍出來的照片更偏暖色調。


  2,Skin - 100% and unedited - shot using a tripod

  This may be every smartphones masterclass - portraits and skin-tones. We found a good spot with nice soft light and the 6s and especially the 6s+ did the best job. Better contrast and more detailed, but the 6+ kept up very well. I don't know what happened with the 6 though, the images I shot at this spot were not on point - the 5s had no problems and lets not talk about the 4s anymore.

  iPhone 6s 拍攝|後期應用: SKRWT, SNAPSEED, VSCO

  第二輪:人像皮膚 - 放大到 100% 顯示,使用三腳架拍攝但未進行後期編輯

  對於每一款智能手機而言,肖像攝影及還原出真實完美的膚色是必須好好解決的大問題。為此,我們精心尋找到一個光線溫和的拍攝場所。整個拍攝下來,6s 和 6s+ 果然不負眾望,表現出了更加出色的對比度且呈現出更為完美的細節。6+ 在這一輪的拍攝中的表現也不賴。我不太明白在 6 身上發生了什麼,沒有達到我的預期效果。5s 表現只能算勉強,至於 4s 已經沒繼續談論的必要了。


  3,Underground - 100% and unedited - shot using a tripod

  Rotterdam does have a nice underground system which was perfect for our third test. The 5s has an overall decent noise handling, but couldn't keep up with the other phones. Beginning with the 6 everything started looking crisper. It's a head to head race between the 6s+ and the 6+ at the end - the 6s can't quite match their level of detail.

  iPhone 6s+ 拍攝|後期應用: SKRWT, SNAPSEED, VSCO

  第三輪:地下攝影 - 放大到 100% 顯示,使用三腳架拍攝但未進行後期編輯

  鹿特丹出眾的地下運輸系統為我們的第三輪測試提供了合適的場地。5s 在噪點控制方面總體良好,但是和其他的對比來看還是有差距的。從 6 開始,一切表現的都較為滿意了。從 6+ 到 6s+,整體水平穩步上升。但是在我看來,6s 並沒有達到它應有的水平。


  4,Underground - 100% and unedited - handheld but stabilized

  Hands and pants down- the 6s+ smashed everything in this shot - it took an image so much brighter and gave me a little "wow" moment. The 6s could not catch me as much as the 6+ and the 6 got the least good noise handling of the 6-series, but managed to snap a crips image.

  iPhone 6s+ 拍攝|後期應用: SKRWT, SNAPSEED, VSCO

  第四輪:地下攝影 - 放大到 100% 顯示,手持拍攝但未進行後期編輯

  6s+ 在這一輪的拍攝中讓我驚訝,照片看起來更好也更為明亮。6 及 6+ 在夜間噪點控制方面落後於 6s 及 6s+,但看起來仍然不錯。



  iPhone 4s: outdated.

  iPhone 5s: still working with a decent camera - reaches it's limit pretty fast when it gets a couple f-stops darker. BUT it's way smaller than the 6-series and that's a tremendous plus for me!

  iPhone 6: least good one of the 6-series but still a decent choice - you'll get better images than with it's predecessors, especially in darker situations.

  iPhone 6s: I really wanted you to do awesome, because the camera is the only thing that would make me switch from the 5s to a bigger phone. I have to say that 12mpx are very tempting and the better processor is helping a lot with crisp hdr images and noise reduction. I think the level of detail could be just a software thing - it will keep up with the 6+ and 6+s' sharpness with some very simple editing steps.

  iPhone 6+: you really did surprise me in both tests. Clear images, good noise reduction/handling and always on point! Another thing I really liked about you has been the big screen for taking pictures - it's huge!

  iPhone 6s+: the best in terms of image quality. Superb low-light and great overall performance - not to mention the extremely better image stabilization (compared to the 6s) while shooting video.

  iPhone 4s:已經過時了。

  iPhone 5s:看起來勉強還可以。

  iPhone 6:不及預期,但仍然是不賴的選擇。比起之前的系列當然要好得多,尤其是在暗光環境中拍攝。

  iPhone 6s:真的很棒,我想說相機的改善是唯一促使我從 5s 換成更大號手機的原因。不得不說,1200 萬像素以及更好的傳感器是非常誘人的。當然,這也使得 HDR 模式更為出色,噪點改善也非常明顯。我一直認為細節修飾很多時候是能通過軟件(應用)後期完善的,正如 6+ 在某些時候表現的過於銳利可以簡單的幾步後期就能搞定。

  iPhone 6+:在兩次的測試中真的表現的非常棒。清晰的照片,良好的噪點控制以及沒有跑焦的情況發生。另外,我真的喜歡用大屏幕的手機拍照片,爽爆了。

  iPhone 6s+:照片質量非常棒。低光照環境下拍攝表現出色。不得不說,和 6s 比起來防抖性能更好,尤其是在拍攝視頻的時候。

  Now here is the thing: I did the test zooming into every image of each device while sticking my head into a 27" cinema-display. 999 out of 1000 people won't ever do the same and won't see any difference either. When I am saying that a camera is "better" it's like a photo-finish between the whole 6-series with a "s" advantage.

  補充:我在完成這次測試的過程中,是將照片放到一個 27 寸的液晶顯示器上並放大到 100% 查看。我想,絕大部分普通人都不會做同樣的事情,也不會明顯感覺到不同設備之間拍出的照片有什麼不同。當我在文章中談論某一個設備拍出的照片「更好」時,這裡的「更好」不代表天壤之別,可能僅僅類似於 iPhone 多一個 s 而已。

  You will get a good camera with the 6 and especially the 6+, but the +4mpx (more cropping freedom), way better front-camera (hello Snapchat), very good HDR mode (even with harsh backlight) and 4k video capability is a clear deal-maker if you are into photography and social media in general.

  從 6 開始,相機的成像明顯好了許多,尤其是 6+。6s 及 6s+ 多出的 400 萬像素使照片的可編輯尺寸更大了。升級後的前置攝像頭讓你玩 Snapchat 的時候更暢快了。更好的夜間成像效果以及 4K 視頻錄制都成了攝影師和社交控們的福音。

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